Twelve important roman gods and goddesses :
Jupiter, Juno, Minerva, Vesta, Ceres, Diana, Venus, Mars, Mercury, Neptune, Vulcan, and Apollo.
They were called Consents and are listed in the following table: The names of the gods carried on for centuries. They are very similar to the Latin words and are suitable for the classroom or for presentations at school.
Roman gods and goddesses list:
Roman gods and goddesses Description of the gods
Asklepios God of health, medicine
Apollo God of the sun, poetry, music
Aurora Goddess of the dawn
Bacchus God of the wine
Candelifera Goddess of childbirth
Carmenta Goddess of childbirth and prophecy
Ceres Ceres God of agriculture
Clementia Goddess of forgiveness and grace (mildness)
Cloacina Goddess of sewers (Etruscan)
Concordia Goddess of agreement (concord)
Kybele Mother earth
Diana Goddess of the Hunt
Discordia / Eris Goddess of discord
Epona Goddess of horses
Fabulinus God of the children
Fauna Goddess of Animals
Felicitas Goddess of happiness and success
Fides Goddess of loyalty
Flora Goddess of spring and flowers
Fortuna Goddess of Fortune
Herkules God of strenght
Hesperos Goddess of Twilight
Honos God of military honor and chivarly
Invidia / Phthonos Goddess of envy and jealousy
Janus God of beginnings and endings
Juno Goddess of marriage
Jupiter God of rain and the sky, king of the gods
Justitia Goddess of Justice
Juventas / Iuventas Goddess of youth
Libertas Goddess of Liberty
Libitina Goddess of death, corpses and burial
Luna Goddess of the moon
Mars God of War
Merkur God of commerce, finance, messenger of the gods
Minerva Goddess of wisdom, City, Education, Science and War
Mithras Persian god who was worshiped by the Roman soldiers
Nemesis God of vengeance
Neptun God of the sea, lake
Opis God of fertility
Pax God of Peace
Pluto God of the underworld
Pomona Goddess of fruit trees
Portunes God of the keys
Proserpina Goddess of Grain, Queen of Death
Sancus God of faithfulness, honesty, and oaths
Saturn God of the earth, agriculture
Sol Invictus Sun god
Somnus God of sleep
Spes Goddess of hope
Venus Goddess of love, beauty
Veritas Goddess of virtue, truth
Vesta Goddess of the heart and of the Roman state
Victoria Goddess of Victory
Voluptas Goddess of pleasure
Volturnus God of water
Vulcanus God of fire, god of the forge